Outreach Activities & Events

— 21 June 2023 —
Invited Talk @ ICOSIMS-2023

On 21 June 2023, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) presented an invited talk entitled Electron paramagnetic resonance in the materials science at the 1st International Conference On Spectroscopy In Materials Science (20-22 June 2023, online).

— 29-30 May 2023 —
Online contribution @ Virtual Conference On Materials Science & Engineering

On 29 and 30 May 2023, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) made an online contribution entitled Nonstoichiometric strontium ferromolybdate as an electrode material for solid oxide fuel cells at the Virtual Conference On Materials Science & Engineering (29-30 May 2023, online).

— 17 May 2023 —
Presentation @ University of Aveiro, Portugal

On 17 May 2023, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev (FEMTA, Lithuania) made a presentation entitled FTMC Optical coatings laboratory: review and possibilities at the University of Aveiro in Aveiro, Portugal.

(left to right: Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev)

— 19 April 2023 —
Meeting and seminar @ Institute of Solid State Physics – University of Latvia, Latvia

On 19 April 2023, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a meeting with the Director of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL), Prof. Dr. Andris Anspoks, in order to disseminate SPINMULTIFILM Project and discuss future joint European project proposals. A seminar entitled Radiation technology of magnetic tunnel junctions was presented afterwards.

Meeting @ ISSP
(left to right: Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev, Prof. Dr. Andris Anspoks)
Seminar @ ISSP
(left to right: Prof. Dr. Andris Anspoks, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev)

— 12 April 2023 —
Visit and meeting @ Institute of Materials Science – Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

On 12 April 2023, Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) held a guided visit to the Institute of Materials Science laboratories for several Project researchers: Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal); Dr. Andrii Korostil and Dr. Yuri Dzhezherya (IMAG, Ukraine); Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev and Mr. Ignas Bitinaitis (FEMTA, Lithuania). Afterwards, a meeting was held to debate the status quo of the SPINMULTIFILM Project, as well as collaboration plans for future joint European projects involving the represented institutions.

Left to right: Dr. Yuri Dzhezherya, Dr. Andrii Korostil, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev, Mr. Ignas Bitinaitis, Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev, Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius Visit @ Institute of Materials Science laboratories
Visit @ Institute of Materials Science laboratories Visit @ Institute of Materials Science laboratories

— 4 April 2023 —
Seminar @ Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

On 4 April 2023, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a seminar entitled Magnetocardiography at the Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania.

(left to right: Dr. Tomas Tamulevičius, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev)

— 9-13 March 2023 —
Visit and presentations @ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev & Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

On 9 and 13 March 2023, Dr. Domantas Peckus, Dr. Asta Tamulevičienė and Dr. Tomas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) visited two research groups in Israel: Prof. Joshua Baraban‘s group (Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Prof. Yuval Dagan‘s group (Aerospace Engineering Department, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology). Presentations were made to multiple researchers from both groups in order to disseminate SPINMULTIFILM Project and discuss future joint European project proposals.

Presentation for Prof. Joshua Baraban Visit @ Prof. Joshua Baraban’s Laboratory Visit @ Prof. Joshua Baraban’s Laboratory
Presentation for Prof. Yuval Dagan Visit @ Prof. Yuval Dagan’s Laboratory Left to right: Dr. Tomas Tamulevičius, Dr. Domantas Peckus, Prof. Yuval Dagan, Dr. Asta Tamulevičienė

— 17 January 2023 —
Presentation @ Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

On 17 January 2023, Dr. Linas Puodžiukynas and Dr. Violeta Kaunelienė (KTU, Lithuania) made a presentation to researchers from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, in order to disseminate SPINMULTIFILM Project and discuss future joint European project proposals.

— 3-8 January 2023 —
Visit and presentations @ Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

On 3 and 8 January 2023, Dr. Asta Tamulevičienė, Dr. Tomas Tamulevičius, Dr. Linas Puodžiukynas and Dr. Violeta Kaunelienė (KTU, Lithuania) visited two research groups at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, lead by Prof. David Katoshevski, and the Light-on-a-Chip Laboratory, lead by Prof. Alina Karabchevsky. Presentations were made to multiple researchers from both groups in order to disseminate SPINMULTIFILM Project and discuss future joint European project proposals.

Presentation @ Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology Visit @ Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology Visit @ Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology
Welcoming @ Light-on-a-Chip Laboratory Presentation @ Light-on-a-Chip Laboratory Visit @ Light-on-a-Chip Laboratory

— 29 November 2022 —
Seminar @ Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania

On 29 November 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a seminar entitled Magnetic tunnel junctions: General properties and radiation technology at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

(left to right: Head of the Optical Coatings Laboratory at FMTC Dr. Lina Grinevičiūtė, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev, Researcher at FTMC and FEMTA Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev)

— 24 November 2022 —
Seminar @ Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

On 24 November 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a seminar entitled Magnetic properties of Sr2FeMoO6-δ nanoparticles at the Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania.

(left to right: Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev)

— 24 November 2022 —
Presentations @ Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

On 24 November 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Mr. Ignas Bitinaitis and Dr. Alexandr Belosludtsev (MB Femta, Lithuania) made two presentations about their company’s profile, research interests and one of their main collaboration partners (FTMC Optical coatings laboratory) at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) in Dresden, Germany.

Mr. Bitinaitis’ presentation
(left to right: Prof. Dr. Gerald Gerlach, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck, Ignas Bitinaitis)
Dr. Belosludtsev’s presentation

— 21 November 2022 —
Visit and meeting @ Institute of Solid State Physics – University of Latvia, Latvia

On 21 November 2022, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) made a visit to the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) and held a meeting with their representatives in order to disseminate SPINMULTIFILM Project and discuss future joint European project proposals.

(left to right: ISSP Senior Researcher Prof. Dr. Anatoli Popov, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev, Deputy Director of the ISSP Prof. Dr. Andris Sternbergs, Director of the ISSP Prof. Dr. Andris Anspoks)

— 22 September 2022 —
Oral presentation @ E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting

On 22 September 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) presented a talk entitled Magnetization of Magnetically Inhomogeneous Sr2FeMoO6-δ Nanoparticles at the 2022 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (19-22 September 2022, Warsaw, Poland).

— 5-6 July 2022 —
Plenary Talks @ ICNMSME-2022

On 5 and 6 July 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented two plenary talks at the 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering (5-8 July 2022, Aveiro, Portugal): the first entitled Multi-target reactive sputter deposition of complex oxide thin films (presentation available at drive.google.com) and the second entitled Tunnel magnetoresistance of granular superparamagnetic and ferrimagnetic structures (presentation available at cloudstore.zih.tu-dresden.de).

— 17 June 2022 —
Invited Talk @ GEMCMP22

On 17 June 2022, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented an invited talk entitled Tunnel magnetoresistance in double perovskite strontium ferromolybdate ceramics at the Global Experts Meet on Condensed Matter Physics 2022 (16-18 June 2022, Rome, Italy).

— 24-26 November 2021 —
IWAMO 2021 – 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Magnetic Oxides

IWAMO 2021 – 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Magnetic Oxides, a networking event included in the annual planning framework for Project SPINMULTIFILM, was held online during 24-26 November 2021. As a joint organisation between the University of Aveiro, the Physics Department of the University of Aveiro and the Associate Laboratory i3N/FSCOSD ‐ Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (Aveiro unit), the event was an excellent opportunity to acquire new knowledge and exchange ideas on state‐of‐the‐art research and the latest advancements regarding magnetic oxides and related subjects. The topics addressed were:

A. Theory and modelling
B. Single crystals, thin films, nanoparticles, 2D and hybrid systems – growth and structure, doping
C. Perovskites and double perovskites, diluted magnetic oxides, other functional materials
D. Composites, heterostructures and interfaces
E. Novel characterization techniques and equipment
F. Magnetic resonance, including imaging
G. Nanofluids, biomedical applications
H. Devices
I. New trends and applications in magnetocalorics, photocatalysis, magnonics, multiferroics

13 Keynote talks, 16 Oral presentations and 4 Poster presentations were made during the event, ensuring a total of 60 participants from 15 countries, and all the presented Abstracts were made available to the general public in the Workshop Book. Authors that presented their work at IWAMO 2021 were also invited to contribute with an original paper or feature article that was published (after double reviewing) in a special issue/topical section (no proceedings) entitled Advanced Magnetic Oxides in physica status solidi (b) (Wiley-VCH).

— 22-26 November 2021 —
Poster presentations @ APSSP-2021

Between 22 and 26 November 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, the BAS team (Belarus) presented four posters entitled Electrotransport characteristics of Sr2FeMoO6 ceramics with structurally inhomogeneous grain surfaces, Magnetic states in Sr2FeMoO6 nanoscale powder, Sr2FeMoO6 – based nanostructures prepared using ultrasound treatment and Selection of tunneling barrier materials for spintronic devices based on strontium ferromolybdate at the IX International Scientific Conference Actual Problems of Solid State Physics (22-26 November 2021, Minsk, Belarus).



— 25 October 2021 —
Invited Talk @ MMMSEC-2021

On 25 October 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) presented an invited talk entitled Magnetic Field Sensing and Energy Harvesting with Magnetoelectric Bidomain LiNbO3-Based Composites at the III International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Materials Science of Electronic Components (25-26 October 2021, Moscow, Russia).

— 1 October 2021 —
Keynote Talk @ OMEE-2021

On 1 October 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented a keynote talk entitled The different magnetoresistance mechanisms of Sr2FeMoO6-δ ceramics at the 6th International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and application (28 September – 2 October 2021, Lviv, Ukraine).

— 17 September 2021 —
Keynote Talk @ Materials Science & Nanotechnology 2021

On 17 September 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented a plenary talk entitled Spin-polarized tunneling magnetoresistance in strontium ferromolybdate-strontium molybdate core-shell structures at the Webinar on Materials Science & Nanotechnology (17-18 September 2021, online).

— 25-27 August 2021 —
Poster presentations @ NANO-2021

Between 25 and 27 August 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, the IMAG team (Ukraine) presented two posters entitled On spintronics of multilayer magnetic nanostructures and Magnetic and structural features of Sr2FeMoO6-d (SFMO) double perovskite near Curie temperature at the 9th International Conference Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials (25-27 August 2021, Lviv, Ukraine).


— 16 July 2021 —
Keynote Talk @ V-Nano2021

On 16 July 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) presented a keynote talk entitled Energy Harvesting and Magnetic Field Sensing with Bidomain LiNbO3-Based Composites at the 2nd Edition Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Virtual (16-17 July 2021, online).

— 7 July 2021 —
Plenary Talk @ ICNMSME-2021

On 7 July 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented a plenary talk entitled Synthesis dependence of the conductivity mechanism and the magnetoresistance of SFMO ceramics at the 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering (6-9 July 2021, Aveiro, Portugal).

— 31 May to 3 June 2021 —
Invited Talk, Oral and Poster presentations @ E-MRS 2021 Spring Meeting

Between 31 May and 3 June 2021, as outreach activities to disseminate the Project, several presentations were made at the 2021 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (31 May – 3 June 2021, online):
• Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented an invited talk entitled Antiphase grain boundaries and magnetoresistance in strontium ferromolybdate thin films
• Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) presented an invited talk entitled 2D nanostructures produced by capillary particle assembly
• Dr. Carlos Rosário (UAVR, Portugal) presented a talk entitled A critical analysis of the application of the Quantum Point Contact formalism to model the conduction in Ta2O5-based ReRAM
• The IMAG team (Ukraine) presented one poster entitled Robustness of spintronics effect in antiferromagnetic nanostructures
• The BAS team (Belarus) presented four posters entitled Magnetic and galvanomagnetic properties of granular Sr2FeMoO6 films, Fabrication of gold nanotracks on silicon surface from gold chloride solution for the SERS application, Spatially-separated dendritic nickel structures into SiO2/Si template and Two-phase magnetic state in strontium ferromoybdate nanopowder

— 7 May 2021 —
Invited Online Talk @ SMMM-2021

On 7 May 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) presented an invited online talk entitled Magnetoresistance of nanosized, granular strontium ferromolybdate-strontium molybdate coreshell structures at the STEMIO’s Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Summit (7 May 2021, online).

— 23 February 2021 —
Oral presentation @ PIEZO2021

On 23 February 2021, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) held an online talk entitled Electrocaloric effect in relaxor ferroelectrics at the XI International Conference Piezoelectrics for End Users (21-24 February 2021, Sassari, Italy).

— 23-26 November 2020 —
Invited Talk, Oral and Poster presentations @ FM&NT-2020

Between 23 and 26 November 2020, as outreach activities to disseminate the Project, several presentations were made at the 13th international conference Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (23-26 November 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania):
• Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) held an invited talk entitled 2D Nanoparticle Based Nanostructures – Technology and Applications
• Mr. Yauheni Artsiukh (BAS, Belarus) held a talk entitled Estimation of the degree of antisite disordering of magnetoactive ions in Sr2FeMoO6-δ by means of the intensity of the X-ray peak (101)
• Dr. Asta Tamulevičienė (KTU, Lithuania) presented a poster entitled Colloidal noble metal nanoparticles deposited on ZnO nanowires

— 21 November 2020 —
Keynote Talk @ CMSE 2020

On 21 November 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) held a keynote talk entitled 2-D Nanostructures of Regularly Arranged Nanoparticles for Sensor Applications at the 9th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (20-23 November 2020, online).

— 22 October 2020 —
Plenary Talk @ MEMM-2020

On 22 October 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) held a plenary talk entitled Micro and Nanotechnology Research at the Institute of Materials Science of Kaunas University of Technology at the 28th International Baltic Conference Materials Engineering and Modern Manufacturing (22-23 October 2020, Kaunas, Lithuania).

— 19 October 2020 —
Plenary Talk @ MMMSEC-2020

On 19 October 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a plenary talk entitled Ion beam modification of magnetic tunnel junctions at the II International Conference Mathematical Modeling in Materials Science of Electronic Components (19-20 October 2020, online).

— 13 October 2020 —
Poster presentations @ CMR@IBR-2

On 13 October 2020, within the scope of the SPINMULTIFILM Project, two poster presentations were made at the International Conference Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2 (12-16 October 2020, online):
• Dr. Mikalai Kalanda (BAS, Belarus) presented a poster entitled Oxygen non-stoichiometry and superstructural ordering of Fe/Mo cations in the strontium ferromolybdate
• Dr. Alexander Petrov (BAS, Belarus) presented a poster entitled Thermodynamic, structural and magnetic properties of barium ferromolybdate compound

— 14-15 September 2020 —
Oral and Poster presentations @ MP-SSP&SP-2020

Between 14 and 15 September 2020, as outreach activities to disseminate the Project, an oral and a poster presentations were made at the International Conference Modern problems of solid state and statistical physics (14-15 September 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine):
• Dr. Mykola Krupa (IMAG, Ukraine) held a talk entitled Liquid crystals with magnetic nanoparticles as a material for registration of inhomogeneous magnetic field
• Dr. Andrii Korostil (IMAG, Ukraine) presented a poster entitled On the spectral problem of the finite-gap Schrödinger Hamiltonian

— 27 August 2020 —
Invited Talk @ Electroceramics XVII

On 27 August 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Mr. Yauheni Artsiukh (BAS, Belarus) held an invited online talk entitled Magnetoresistance in SrMoO4-Sr2FeMoO6-δ core-shell structures at the Electroceramics XVII conference (24-28 August 2020, Darmstadt, Germany).

— 26-29 August 2020 —
Poster presentation @ NANO-2020

Between 26 and 29 August 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Dr. Andrii Korostil (IMAG, Ukraine) presented a poster entitled On spintronics properties of antiferromagnetic nanostructures at the 8th International Conference Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials (26-29 August 2020, Lviv, Ukraine).

— 24-28 August 2020 —
Advanced Materials and Technologies 2020

From 24 to 28 August 2020 the city of Palanga, Lithuania, welcomed the Advanced Materials and Technologies 2020 – 22nd International Conference-School, an annual event intended for young scientists and PhD students interested in Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics. On 26 August, within the scope of the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) held an invited talk entitled Synthesis of Complex Oxide Thin Films by Means of Reactive Multitarget Sputtering. On 27 August, SPINMULTIFILM Project’s research had a special feature in the event with one dedicated session in the programme: a first invited talk entitled Electrical resistance and magnetoresistance in strontium ferromolybdate ceramics with strontium molybdate dielectric intergrain barriers was presented by Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck and a second invited talk entitled Magnetic memory – quo vadis? was presented by the Project Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal), followed by an online meeting with representatives from the entire Consortium to debate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic constraints in the Project’s development and plan relevant activities for the future.

Opening Session – Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) Lecture by Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) Lecture by Project Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal)
Online meeting Online meeting Online meeting
AMT 2020 group photo Closing Session – Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) Closing Session

— 24 August 2020 —
Invited Online Talk @ Magnetism-2020

On 24 August 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) held an invited online talk entitled Magnetoresistance in SrMoO4-Sr2FeMoO6-δ core-shell structures at the Scifed Magnetism Webinar Magnetism-2020 (24-25 August 2020, online).

— 9 July 2020 —
Plenary Talk @ ICNMSME-2020

On 9 July 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a plenary talk entitled Ion beam modification of magnetic anisotropy, interlayer coupling and tunnel magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions at the 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering (7-10 July 2020, Aveiro, Portugal).

— 7 February 2020 —
Seminar @ Institute for Solid State Physics – Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

On 7 February 2020, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a seminar entitled Ion irradiation in the technology of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions at the Institute for Solid State Physics – Friedrich Schiller University Jena (IFK-FSU) in Jena, Germany.

— 23 October 2019 —
Seminar @ National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Russia

On 23 October 2019, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) presented a talk entitled Physics and Technology of Magnetic Heterostructures: magnetic tunnel junctions with easy-cone anisotropy during a scientific seminar at the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” in Moscow, Russia.

— 21 October 2019 —
Plenary Talk @ MMMSEC-2019

On 21 October 2019, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a plenary talk entitled Perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions with a dual-FeCoB/MgO-interfaced storage-layer: parameter extraction and modeling at the Mathematical Modeling in Materials Science of Electronic Components, I International Conference (21-23 October 2019, Moscow, Russia).

— 9 September 2019 —
Seminar @ National Academy of Sciences, Belarus

On 9 September 2019, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) held a seminar entitled Synthesis of thin films of multicomponent oxides by reactive magnetron sputtering at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in Minsk, Belarus.

After the seminar, a meeting was held in order to update the collaboration plan and discuss future activities between 4 Project Partners: the University of Aveiro; the Technische Universität Dresden; the Institute of Magnetism of the NAS of Ukraine and the MES of Ukraine; the Scientific and Practical Materials Research Centre of the NAS of Belarus. Representing each Partner were Project Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal), Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany), Dr. Andrii Korostil (IMAG, Ukraine), Dr. Mikalai Kalanda (BAS, Belarus) and Dr. Sergey Demyanov (BAS, Belarus).

(left to right: Sergey Demyanov, Gunnar Suchaneck, Andrii Korostil, Nikolai Sobolev, Mikalai Kalanda)

— 3-7 June 2019 —
Visit @ University of Aveiro, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Sobolev’s research group received a visit from Prof. Dr. Alexander Polyakov, head of the laboratory “Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors and Devices” and a professor at the Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Physics of Semiconductors of the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” in Moscow, Russia, to discuss various aspects of collaboration in the framework of the SPINMULTIFILM Project and beyond.

(left to right: João Lucas Gomes, Alexander Polyakov) (left to right: Bruno Teixeira, Carlos Rosário, Jaime Andrade, Pedro Carvalho, Sara Martins, Alexander Polyakov, Nikolai Sobolev, João Lucas Gomes)

— 23 May 2019 —
Seminar @ National Academy of Sciences, Belarus

On 23 May 2019, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius (KTU, Lithuania) held a seminar entitled Micro and Nanotechnologies at the Institute of Materials Science – potential for SPINMULTIFILM Project at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in Minsk, Belarus.

— 15-17 April 2019 —
IWAMO 2019 – International Workshop on Advanced Magnetic Oxides

From 15 to 17 April 2019 the city of Aveiro, Portugal, welcomed the IWAMO 2019 – International Workshop on Advanced Magnetic Oxides. Hosted by the University of Aveiro, in a joint organisation with the Physics Department of the University of Aveiro and the Associate Laboratory i3N/FSCOSD ‐ Institute of Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication (Aveiro unit), the Workshop was an outstanding opportunity to acquire new knowledge and exchange ideas on state‐of‐the‐art research and the latest advancements regarding magnetic oxides. The topics addressed were:

A. Theory and modelling
B. Single crystals, thin films, nanoparticles, 2D systems – growth and structure, doping
C. Perovskites and double perovskites, diluted magnetic oxides, other functional materials
D. Composites, heterostructures and interfaces
E. Novel characterization techniques and equipment
F. Magnetic resonance, including imaging
G. Nanofluids, biomedical applications
H. Devices
I. New trends and applications in magnetocalorics, photocatalysis, magnonics, multiferroics

13 Keynote talks, 25 Oral presentations and 13 Poster presentations were made during the event, ensuring a total of 50 participants from 16 countries, and all the presented Abstracts were made available to the general public in the Workshop Book. Authors that presented their work at IWAMO 2019 were also invited to contribute an Original Paper or Feature Article that was published (after double reviewing) in a special issue/topical section (no proceedings) entitled Advanced Magnetic Oxides in physica status solidi (b) (Wiley-VCH).

IWAMO 2019 group photo

IWAMO 2019 was a networking event included in the annual planning framework for Project SPINMULTIFILM. A mid-term meeting with representatives from all Beneficiaries/Partners took place during the event in order to analyse the progress achieved to the date, exchange experience and plan further activities.

IWAMO 2019 mid-term meeting

— 12 December 2018 —
Lecture @ National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Russia

On 12 December 2018, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a lecture entitled Magnetic memory – quo vadis? at the National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” in Moscow, Russia. The presentation is available at vk.com/nust_misis

— 22-23 October 2018 —
Invited presentations

As an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) made invited presentations of his talk Radiation technology of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions at two paramount research institutes: on 22 October at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena, Germany, and on 23 October at the Peter Grünberg Institute PGI (Group of Electronic Materials) in Aachen, Germany.

— 12 September 2018 —
Seminar @ National Academy of Sciences, Belarus

On 12 September 2018, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, a seminar was held at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in Minsk, Belarus. There were four presentations made, followed by a panel discussion.

1. Mikalai A. Kalanda (BAS, Belarus) – Structure and magnetism of strontium ferromolybdate Sr(2)FeMoO(6‒δ) under conditions of the ordering of the Fe and Mo cations and oxygen nonstoichiometry 2. Mykola M. Krupa (IMAG, Ukraine) – Spintronics. Physical and technical aspects
3. Serhii M. Konopliuk (IMAG, Ukraine) – Magnetostructural transitions in Heusler alloys 4. Nikolai A. Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) – Radiation technology of magnetic tunnel junctions

Panel Discussion

A Project meeting was also held, after the seminar, in order to update the collaboration plan for all three partners (BAS, IMAG and UAVR) for the time span until the mid-term meeting in April 2019.

— 1 August 2018 —
Seminar @ Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

On 1 August 2018, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Coordinator Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) held a seminar entitled Ion irradiation in the technology of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.

300 300

(left to right: Igor Lubomirsky, Nikolai Sobolev /// sculpture: Unicorn by Salvador Dali)

— 6 June 2018 —
Visit @ University of Aveiro, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Nikolai Sobolev’s research group received a visit from Dr. Alexey Mikhaylov, a Head of Laboratory at the Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University, Russia, to discuss various aspects of collaboration in the framework of the SPINMULTIFILM Project and beyond.

EPR Laboratory @ Physics Department
(left to right: Andrey Turutin, Alexey Mikhaylov, Nikolai Sobolev, João Vidal, Bruno Teixeira, Carlos Rosário)

— 20 April 2018 —
Seminar @ University of Aveiro, Portugal

On 20 April 2018, as an outreach activity to disseminate the Project, Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) held a seminar entitled Multi-target reactive sputter deposition of complex oxide thin films at the University of Aveiro. The attendees came from three UAVR’s Associate Laboratories: i3N, CICECO and TEMA.

— 18 April 2018 —
Meeting @ University of Aveiro, Portugal

Dr. Peter Petrov, Dr. Andrey Berenov (both Imperial College, London, UK), Prof. Dr. Gunnar Suchaneck (TUD, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Nikolai Sobolev (UAVR, Portugal) met and discussed various aspects of collaboration in the framework of the SPINMULTIFILM Project and beyond.

(left to right: Peter Petrov, Andrey Berenov, Gunnar Suchaneck, Nikolai Sobolev)

— 29 January 2018 —
Kick-off meeting with all Participants (09h00 GMT, via Skype)

— 18-19 January 2018 —
RISE 2017 – Coordinators Day